Pre-built Solutions

Save time with one of our cost-effective pre-built solutions

All our pre-built solutions are customised with your branding to ensure a seamless integration and customer experience.

OMNIMax KiwiSaver FMA Website Tool screenshot

Website Tools

Engage your website visitors with an interactive Website Tool

Our Website Tools allow your website visitors to make selections based on their situation, to generate charts and analysis of their future situation or a risk profile.

Adviser Tools

Save time and reduce errors by using our Adviser Tools to automate your financial advice and review processes.

Streamline your Fact Find, Statement of Advice, Authority to Proceed and Reviews in a secure digital environment.

BNZ logo
“We see the OMNIMax team as leaders in their field. Their expertise was crucial in sound boarding ideas, collaborating on design, and ensuring the successful implementation of the new Navigator.”

Ryan Wilson – BNZ

Why Work With Us

We’ve been fuelling financial advice conversations since 2002

Some of New Zealand’s top financial advice brands trust our solutions.

Fisher Funds logo
Wealthpoint logo
FoxPlan logo
BNZ logo
AndCo Mortgages logo
Amicus logo

We’re Here to Help

Looking for a no-obligation demonstration or just have a question? Contact our team today.